The place where only the hottest muffins can go near and where only the iciest muffins can lay eyes upon the blog of... TEH MUFFINATOR!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

um......Hi Worldie

Hi hi! Online, I'm known as...
Teh Muffinator!!
But my secret identity is never to be revealed... lol!
I'm just joking around you guys, I'm spazz-ay' like that if you can't tell (I mean seriously, Teh Muffinator...?) There's this book that I'm trying to write, but I'm probably going to have to discontinue it because I don't think I did good enough on it, even though my best friends are strangling me for trying to discontinue it.
Well anyways....
It's called Overdrive and I might put a preview on later, but I don't really know because I don't want anyone copying my work. Trust me, I've had this happen INFINITY and three times. I'll draw something for someone and then someone else goes, "Did YOU draw that??" And guess what they say?
Oh yeah, they have the nerve to go, "Yeah, I did. You like it? I'll draw something for you."
And then they try to get me to draw something ELSE for them and try to be something. someone, they're not. Mainly me. And my drawings and stories are SACRED and my friends are witnesses of how insane I go if someone steals my own work.
I guess I gotta shut up now, this is getting wayyy too long here.
TEH MUFFINATOR! (but you can call me Muffin!)


AuthorAngel said...

I WANNA HERE ABOUT OVERDRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nudge.::.Twin said...

Post about Overdrive! I want to hear about it. I'm currently writing a story on my blog. Check it out! I don't think anyone has stolen it. It's under My Almost Written Stories blog.

Nudge.::.Twin said...

I have you on Blogs That Everyone Should Check Out on my blog! :)

AuthorAngel said...


AuthorAngel said...

Blog Readers.
This is Muffinators spokeswoman.
Due to certain circumstances that cannot at this time be revealed, Muffinator will no longer be allowed to post on here. I am sorry. Let's have a moment of silence for Muffin.

Sk8erGirl said...

muffin?! (cries)

Just another face in the crowd said...

I love your name!! teh muffinator.

Zen said...

I LIIIIVEEEE!!! Yo!! Everyone!! It's Zen Muffin! No joke, my blog just might be recreated tonight!!!!!

Just another face in the crowd said...
